A living document.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

never mind

You know that "John from Cincinnati" post below? After last week's episode, I have concluded that -- How can I put this delicately? -- I was wrong. Last week's episode was the kind of train wreck that doesn't happen to shows that are on the verge of becoming magical.

Yes, I will watch again tonight. But based on last week's episode, the show has moved from fascinating mess with a chance for greatness to potentially irredeemable disaster.

(As always, I reserve the right to pull a Gale Sayers and cut back against the grain again.)

(James Wolcott is on-point with some of his criticism of the show here and here. Though I still maintain that the opening credits are pure genius.)


Jessica said...

OK- now I need to know the latest- what is your opinion. Do I need to watch it while house-sitting next week or not?

FlyRN said...

I LOVE the Roseanne Rosanna-Danna header-perfect!!

Jessica said...

Ok I have watched the first 4 episodes. and I think it MIGHT be great. And I am really really enjoying it.

So now I am scared. Do I stop here and let it be as good as it can be in my mind or do I risk disappointment by watching the next four episodes?

Oh I will watch it and probably continue to watch it after it turns awful and everyone else stops watching. Thanks SOAM!