Thanks! My dad loves music, and I enjoy hearing his off-the-cuff reactions (even when they differ from my own). And all of these CDs come from my collection -- we are just scratching the surface -- for better or worse, I have invested a ton of money in music over the years. Thanks for reading and writing!
Am anxiously awaiting your take on Friday's anticipated issuances from the special prosecutor. Keep up the good work on your blog - it is very interesting reading.
Your dad gives good reviews (as far as his musical taste) and you have one Hell of a good music collection if these are all your CDs.
Thanks! My dad loves music, and I enjoy hearing his off-the-cuff reactions (even when they differ from my own). And all of these CDs come from my collection -- we are just scratching the surface -- for better or worse, I have invested a ton of money in music over the years. Thanks for reading and writing!
Thanks, Somanybooks! Would love to know your opinions about the music . . . .
Am anxiously awaiting your take on Friday's anticipated issuances from the special prosecutor. Keep up the good work on your blog - it is very interesting reading.
Thanks for the support, AlaskaCommuter!
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