A living document.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

My Dad Reviews My CD Collection So You Don't Have To: Part II

"*Steely Dan - Can't Buy a Thrill - okay

*Marshall Crenshaw - Marshall Crenshall - okay

*Bruce Springsteen - The Wild, the Innocent, & the E Street Shuiffle - very good

*The Velvet Underground - Loaded - Excellent"


Jeremy said...

Your dad gives good reviews (as far as his musical taste) and you have one Hell of a good music collection if these are all your CDs.

SOAM said...

Thanks! My dad loves music, and I enjoy hearing his off-the-cuff reactions (even when they differ from my own). And all of these CDs come from my collection -- we are just scratching the surface -- for better or worse, I have invested a ton of money in music over the years. Thanks for reading and writing!

SOAM said...

Thanks, Somanybooks! Would love to know your opinions about the music . . . .

Melissa said...

Am anxiously awaiting your take on Friday's anticipated issuances from the special prosecutor. Keep up the good work on your blog - it is very interesting reading.

SOAM said...

Thanks for the support, AlaskaCommuter!