Two people have now linked to this page on their blogs:

Mr. Tony Pierce, about whom I have
written previously, gave me a
shout-out and then published a
gut-wrenching rant from a Cubs' fan dealing with the White Sox victory.

Mr. Joe White, one of the few people I know who has strong opinions about both Frederich Hayek and Salma Hayek (for the record, he is a fan of both of their work),
nodded in my direction as well before writing a
little ditty about Scooter Libby and then
analyzing the Texas ballot propositions. He is a great friend, and the first person I knew personally who could make web pages sing, dance, and talk.
I cannot imagine that Misters Pierce and White have much in common other than they both were kind enough to point their readers toward me. And for that, they have my thanks and hold my marker. "Only in America!" as the
philosopher once said.
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