A living document.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Tina Brown: Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take It Anymore

As Tony Kornheiser said on the radio this morning, you should read Tina Brown's Washington Post column if you can handle more words spilled about Judy Miller and the NYT. Yes, Tina Brown. The column is funny and vitriolic. One passage is about Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger:
"You have to feel sorry for Sulzberger. Like every spirited young man who inherits a newspaper, he hankers after something more exciting than sitting in the front office fretting over the price of newsprint. He wants to feel as real in his role as valiant publisher as his reporters -- those driven, passionate, sometimes reckless seekers after truth -- feel in theirs. When he threw his support behind Miller's fight to protect her sources, he didn't think he was in a bad reality show."

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